Back 2 School Apple Orchard 2016

Lisa Marie Photography, header, back to school



Every year I post these blogs, and show you the cute photos and chat about back to school. Which I am NOT going to stress about this year. Do I have the school supplies? Are the cute little outfits picked out?




NOPE, not at all. But instead of stressing out this year, I am not doing it. Lets face it. Its damn hot in september still so summer clothes are FINE, and who needs all the school supplies the first day??? NO ONE! Not only that, I’ve learned that the teachers will send you reminders for a few weeks before things get real. Sure there will be some disapproving looks…. and I feel bad about that, but not enough to ruin the rest of summer and tackle other moms at H&M over the last pair of $9 high tops.


BOOM, so lets get to the photos. YOU WHO COME EVERY YEAR!!! You and I know how much these rock! There is no going back to the typical school photos. Now YOU who keep procrastinating…. getting back the school photos that you send your kids blindly into and then crying over the regret.. THIS IS IT!!!!!!





Im serious, THIS IS IT. September 9th, 10th and 11th



The story why I do them: (if you really wanna know)

I stopped doing even before I became this “momtographer” my now 19 year old came home year after year when he was in elementary school with these photos that I didn’t even recognize him in.  They were just awful.  Not his personality, so fake looking and these weird digital back grounds they have not, they did not reflect that beautiful boy on that day AT ALL. I felt a little guilty that i would not have the typical yearly boring photos across my house, but I just could not spend $50 on a pack of bad photos. I can honestly say not one of them are hanging lol. But I got over it. And then I DID something about it….




This is our 5th year now offering these and I hope to do them another 20. I have many little ones I have seen since the beginning and I hope to see all of your kids out this year!




back to school blog 2



*NOTE YES WE ARE DOING BACK TO SCHOOL IN STUDIO*These are going to be announced in the next  couple weeks when we all have a better idea of our schedules!







When: September 9th, 10th & 11th

Where? The Historic Stewart Farm house. North side of the large barn, in the apple orchard. East side of the property.

What YOU get :)

Includes: A full gallery of the best photos and your choice of a minimum of 5 (depending on package) professionally edited high resolution digital photos in an online downloadable gallery.  All full resolution photos delivered via email for instant download, sharing options on all social media sites, custom links for easy emailing, affordable printing options, and safe online storage for up to 10 years, as well as a free app for your smart phone where you can show off your gallery anywhere you are!




Cost: $95 each session *SIBLING DEAL* you MAY add a sibling $25 each, up to 3 kids per session. If you have more than 3 kids please book 2 sessions and there will be no charged for your 4th child. (that’s right, buy 3 for one free! LOL (sorry could not help myself) If you have 4 or more kids you deserve a little break and a big hug of wine every day for a job well done! (this is for immediate SIBLINGS only), EACH EXTRA SIBLING will add 1 extra photo.





PLEASE bring a $2 donation for each child, this will go to the Historical Farm House who generously allows us to use this amazing property!



Please include the following in your email:

Preferred date:
Preferred time:
Number of Children:
Ages of Children:
Contact Phone number:
Would you Like a Sneak Peek on Facebook posted?



Disclaimer- “Mini Sessions” are in no way guaranteed. Parents are under order to come with a realistic attitude! Kids are kids. And these are “mini” sessions. Lisa makes every effort to work with your family and kids, but she can not be responsible for members who are over come with smiles and giggles…. as well as those who (might) not cooperate/smilie for photos. This includes fussy babies, toddlers who will not pose, teens who are stinky and miserable husbands ;) (bring treats and bribes, the husbands love fruit snacks too!) Also be prepared for a LOT of laughing and obnoxious silly faces, Lisa has no shame! PLEASE DO NOT give your kids “treats and bribes” prior to the session, these are magic weapons and to be used when necessary! Please just keep this in mind when you are booking mini sessions. I have never had a mini session that was not complete and don’t plan on it now, but things can happen :) 

All finished photos will receive editing, but not retouching or extreme measures such as “swapping heads” and removing large skin issues ;), please make sure your kids are TATTOO free (big pet peeve lol) Please also note anyone saying, “oh but you can just photoshop that right?” will get a pinch in the patootie :D

ALSO mini session can run a little behind at times, if you are waiting for your session to start please be patient and do not interrupt the current session, we are all moms and dads and know sometimes other little ones need a little extra few mins  at times and no one wants any kids to be left out. Thank-you for your understanding.  



If your child is facing any challenges or concerns we should be aware of, if there is special needs that we can accommodate or any restrictions due to disabilities, please contact us with your concerns. We want to make sure that all kids who want to come out are welcomed with open arms!



I will be waiting for you under the apple orchard!!


Lisa Marie
