Back 2 school – Apple Orchard 2014
Its the most wonderful time of the year!!!…right..?? Im on the fence.
Thats right moms & dads, the KIDS WILL RETURN TO SCHOOL! (hopefully) While I personally am not singing up and down the office supply isles and clicking my heels, I do really love the fresh start. I really enjoy all the summer fun I get to grab having them home when I can. But I also LOVE September.
I see September as the “new year”. It really is a milestone for our kids, where we as parents have a mixture of sad (they are growing so damn fast) and proud (nothing makes your heart swell then a fresh hair cut, crisp clean back to school clothes and a toddler packing his to-big-for-him backpack full of all those labelled little supplies) ….SO FREAKING CUTE!
But back to school also means…. SCHOOL PHOTOS! I cringe a little at that, its the only time you send your kids off in the morning (that is if you even remember) all dressed and clean, and pray by the time its their turn, they do not look like kids who have been mauled by 16 dirty puppies and stuck their fingers in a light socket. More times than not, it usually ends up the ladder. But besides that, unfortunately the cost of those photos you don’t get have much control over are getting more and more expensive. More and more digitally enhanced with all these new (fake) back grounds. And maybe that is something you like, I’m of a different mind set. Even before I became this momtographer I stopped getting my oldest sons school photos when he was in about 5th grade. They were just awful. The photos were just not him. Not his personality, they did not reflect that beautiful boy on that first day AT ALL. I felt a little guilty that i would not have the typical yearly boring photos across my house, but I just could not spend $50 on a pack of bad photos. I can honestly say not one of them are hanging lol. (I’m over it)
2 years ago my little Jake was heading back to Pre-school and so I wanted to do something different and thought I would offer it to all my clients. Back to school photos, with a sweet little twist. And now for the 3rd year in row THEY ARE BACK. A fun photo shoot that really “feels” how that time of year feels to me. And then I found the sweetest back to school location at the historic stewart farm house, along the apple orchard.
When: September 5th from 9:30-12:30 / September 6th from 9-12pm (we will take a waiting list for a possible 3rd date on September 7th in the late afternoon)
Where: The Historic Stewart Farm house. North side of the large barn, in the apple orchard. East side of the property.
What YOU get :) Your 15 min session includes a minimum of 5 images in a gallery, that will be emailed to you, they are high res, that you can download, email and post to all your favourite social media sites, AS well as print! Each child will have the themed images AS WELL as a head shot for the wall!
Cost: $65 each session, you MAY add a sibling $15 each, up to 3 kids per session. If you have more than 3 kids please book 2 sessions and there will be no charged for your 4th child. (thats right, buy 3 for one free! LOL (sorry could not help myself) If you have 4 or more kids you deserve a little break! (this is for SIBLINGS only), EACH EXTRA SIBLING will add an extra photo.
EMAIL: bookings@lisamariephotography.ca with your number, child’s name, age, grade, and approximate time and day you prefer :) Sessions are prepaid and secure with payment.
PLEASE bring a $2 donation for each child, this will go to the Historical Farm House who generously allows us to use this amazing property!
Add a facebook timeline cover collage (like the one below, only with your kids :P) $20 extra.
Ill see you at the farm!
Disclaimer- Mini sessions are in no way guaranteed. You are given 15 mins with Lisa only,. Lisa makes every effort to work with your family and kids, but she can not be responsible for members who are not cooperating/smiling for photos, this includes fussy babies, toddlers who will not pose, teens who are stinky etc. Just keep this in mind when you are booking mini sessions. All finished photos will receive editing, but not retouching or extreme measures such as “swapping heads” ;), please make sure your kids are TATTOO free (big pet peeve lol) Please also note anyone saying, “oh but you can just photoshop that right?” will get a pinch :D Thank-you for your understanding.