Lisa Marie’s V.I.C.Referral Program

Welcome to Lisa Marie’s Very Important Client Referral program!!!

This program has been in the works for many months, we have been trying to keep up with the demand, being knocked down by the incredible referrals and support you have all shown, and WE WANT TO GIVE BACK!


From now on, every time you send a new client to Lisa Marie Photography you are going to make bank baby! You could literally pay for all your own photo sessions by just sharing your own photos and sending your friends and family to make their own amazing memories ;) Thats what I call sharing, caring and getting a little something in return! And why not? You deserve it!


Its this simple. Email Kim at and let her know you want to be a part of the V.I.C. referral program, and Kim will set you up! She will assign you with a number for example #5555. When you send a friend to us, all you have to do is give them your referral number  #5555 and they will need to pass that along to Kim with their booking. Here is the best part, they will WANT to give your number because when they do they will receive $15 off their full session, and $5 off their mini session. This gives your friends and family an incentive…see?? This is RAD isn’t it???


Now, whats your bank you ask?? Well, for every NEW client that books a full session and gives your number we will put $25!! Bank in your Lisa Marie account.  For every NEW mini session client you send our way and who gives your number you will get $10 Bank in your Lisa Marie account! Just think how this could add up!


Some fine print……Rule #1 One Bank per household/Family. #2 You can not combine your bank! You can save up and purchase gift cards for sessions and gift those however, but there is no combining your bank with other banks! NO bank fraternizing! #3 Your bank has an expiration, all bank not used will expire 24 months after earned. OR in the event that Lisa Marie goes missing and all attempts to find her do not work, even the plan to put her face on wine bottles….  The expiration dates are FIRM so no bribing Kim or Felicia or even Lisa with wine and other goodies, we can not be bribed!! (most of the time :)


If you have any other questions please feel free to ask, this is a working document so it may change without notice (but we will give you notice that matters)


Looking forward to seeing you MAKE BANK with Lisa Marie V.I.C. Referral program!!