2013End of season session SALE!

Its time for the Lisa Marie END OF SEASON SESSION SALE!
What better gift to give your family and friends (OR YOURSELF!) then a photography session! Nothing lasts longer and means more then timeless memories that last forever :)
This SESSION SALE saves big bucks for 2014 and offers a free gift card that can be redeemed at anytime. Know someone expecting a baby in 2014?? Keep reading and SHARE this! This deal will really score points!
The deal is, Purchase ANY 2 full sessions at this years pricing (2013) to use in 2014 before December 31st and get a $75 free credit, this credit can be redeemed for any session, at anytime! You can use the $75 to put towards any full session or use it for any mini session :)
On average you will be saving $100-$200 :) For example:
Purchase 2 Family sessions at $325 each (2013 pricing, next year they are $350) You will be saving $50 right off the bat! THEN YOU GET A FREE $75 credit or Free mini session! :) Gift one to your sister, and keep a family session for yourself and book that tea party mini session in the summer! $125 in your pocket!
This SALE is extended to Combo packages as well!! BOOK and Pre-pay for ANY COMBO Package for example:
The Maternity ( $325) + Newborn ($375) = $700, but in booking these two in the combo you save an instant $75! Next year the Maternity session is $350 alone, and newborn is $395, so IF YOU BOOK BOTH NOW, you will be saving a total of $120 RIGHT AWAY, PLUS you will ALSO get the FREE $75 credit!!! Thats $195 savings!
Now Thats a DEAL!!
Head shots, engagement sessions, Boudoir, Family sessions, newborn sessions, Cake smash, portait sessions…. they all qualify!
Every year our little company grows and just gets better and better! I can not wait for another year to come, to bring together more families, to meet your new babies, celebrate birthdays, bring smiles and laughs, and capture all those moments with you….
May the rest of 2013 be good to you, and may 2014 be even better!!!
Please email bookings@lisamariephotography.ca
*Please note credits cannot be combined with other free credits. These credits must be used in 2014, and BOOKED prior to September 1st to ensure a session time before they expire.