2018Huck Finn Fishing Minis

SO many of you have been waiting for these all year. We only had a few days last summer, so I hope you can make it out this time!
Thats right Moms and Dads, Huck-Finn Inspired Sessions ARE BACK!
(note, I did not write MINI session!)
These can not BE “mini” sessions.
They are an experience!
Instead of the typical 15-20 minutes, we have allotted for extra time this year. Expect to be there for at least an hour or so!
Last year we found there there is just too many props and fun things to enjoy and play with to rush through these, so be prepared to come a little early, to dig for worms while the session ahead of you is being shot, and stay and hunt for tadpoles after!)
We all know that girls have so many ways to dress up and play. As a #momtographer of all boys,
I am always looking for different ways to come up with creative sessions that boys can have fun with too!
And these are just as much fun for girls as well!
I am absolutely in love with these as I am sure you are too!
We have built our very own private dock, and fishing poles. Everything we need to play at the fishing hole over in South Surrey at Crescent Park.
So here is the details!!
When: We are setting up for the day on August 26th & 27th 3-7:30pm
(If there is anyone interested in a third date on September 16th, then please ask to be placed on the waiting list. If there is enough interest, then we may add the day!
Email: bookings@lisamariephotography.ca and say “pssssst, Hey Brittany, can you please put us on the September 16th, Huck Finn Wait list??!!)

“Guess what?? Lisa is offering a booking bonus for anyone who books with a friend!! Lets tell Mom to invite our cousins out too and she will get a $25 discount, and so will Aunty!!”
Who’s Included:: Up to 3 siblings per session. More children, will need more time. But dont worry! To make it easier for families and friends who want to get kids together, we decided
If you want to book back to back sessions for more time and photos, you will receive a family discount of $50 (total) when booking at the same time!
This can then include other friends or family as well. Each session is meant for immediate family members, but we will do group shots if you book together!
Where: South Surrey, Crescent Park Pond 3136 McBride Ave Surrey BC.
Recommended attire: Little boys and girls should think jeans, jean shorts, and PLAIN white or light coloured t-shirts, sleeveless or no shirt. Barefeet, sandals, SIMPLE sneakers, converse, dirty feet and grass stained knees are OK ;)
*Absolutely NO florescent colours, and I strongly recommend not to wear anything with logos or character clothing*
PLEASE make sure you bring a TOWEL!! This is a real pond, and real water! Playing IS ENCOURAGED when working with Lisa Marie, and sometimes playing can mean clean up!
SESSION FEE and SPECIALS!: Sessions are only $245
BUT, if you book with another family on the same day/time I will give each family $25 off! ($50 savings!)
Arrival Time: Please remember you will be walking to the pond, BUT do not arrive TOO much more then 5-10 mins prior to your shoot time assigned. I can often be running behind at times, so patience is appreciated.
Late arrivals will cut into your session time if I have other clients waiting, so try to keep that in mind.
If I am running behind, you will always get your session done! Please make sure you bring an activity like colouring or a game, as well as water and some non-sticky snacks.
Sessions can run behind from time to time especially when we have lots of kids, props and water! We want you to be prepared :) Please read the disclaimer below for more ways to help prep for your session!
Please note if you do arrive early to be respectful of the clients in session. Kids can be distracted quite easily by on lookers and other children. So a mindful distance is appreciated :)
Session time: 20-40 minutes (Session times are approximate and no guarentee, Sometimes I need a little extra time, and other times, I have more then enough in less time!
Includes: A full viewing gallery of the best photos and your choice of 10 final images delivered high Res, via downloadable gallery to your email address.(more images available for purchase when viewing gallery is sent.)
It makes your booking process SO much faster and simple :)
Booking Info: To book please copy and paste the info below and email it o bookings@lisamariephotography.ca
I would like to book a Huck Finn Session!
Preferred date:
Prefered time:
Number of Children:
Ages of Children:
Contact Phone number for the day of session (cell phone is best):
Would you Like a Sneak Peek on Facebook posted?
Is Lisa allowed to use your images for future ads or her web site just like this one?
Is there any special needs or concerns you have re your children that we can assist with?
*And of course, please include any questions you have! *
If the email you are emailing from is not your prefered contact email please indicate your preferred contact email. If you already have a PASS account set up let us know that email address (then all your albums stay together under one account) and we can see your choices once you have picked them.
Please also include a Second date/time option if possible!
Lisa Marie’s personal tips for successful sessions with kids!
A few days leading up to the session practice taking photos with your kids! But DO NOT make it a chore. Just have FUN with it. Show them the photos immediately. DO NOT make them pose. DO NOT make them say CHEESE. Encourage silly faces and sad faces and PLAY.
BE IN THE PHOTOS with them and be silly!!! If you can, have the camera or your phone on mirror so your kids, babies and toddlers can see themselves in the frame.
YES- You can bring treats and bribes for children to earn during any portrait session. (Husbands love fruit snacks too!) PLEASE DO NOT give your kids “treats and bribes” prior to the session, these are magic weapons and to be used when necessary and when EARNED!
DO NOT give your children anything that you can not take away from them. Please just keep this in mind when you are booking mini sessions. All finished photos will receive editing, but not retouching or extreme measures such as “swapping heads” ;), please make sure your kids are TATTOO free (big pet peeve lol)
Disclaimer- Mini sessions are in no way guaranteed. You are given session time with Lisa only. Lisa makes every effort to work with your family and kids, but she can not be responsible for members who are not cooperating/smiling for photos, this includes fussy babies, toddlers who will not pose, teens who are stinky and miserable husbands! Please also note anyone saying, “oh but you can just photoshop that right?” will get a pinch :D Session can run a little behind at times, if you are waiting for your session to start please be patient and do not interrupt the current session, we are all moms and dads and know sometimes other little ones need a little extra few mins at times and no one wants any kids to be left out. Allot an extra 15 mins after before you need to be anywhere else! Thank-you for your understanding.
Please note that our turn around time is approximately 2-3 weeks but sometimes longer if we are very busy or there is unforeseen circumstances. Holiday themes are always delivered prior to the holiday but not guaranteed. Lisa is full time shooting several days a week, and unlike some other companies, each image is edited very carefully by Lisa Marie. This does take time, so if you are unable to accept the turn around times, then its best you let us know if there is a special circumstance so we can let you know if we can get them to you sooner. This may mean that you need to find another photographer, but we will do our best to accommodate you :)*
XO-Lisa Marie