2018Summer Firefly Sessions!

I am happy to share that Fire Fly Sessions are back this year!
People ask me how we have these sweet summer dreamy sessions here in sessions here in BC? The answer is, with lots of help!
Becasue these are a lot different then other sessions as far as post production goes, they take a little more patience and also time.

#fireflysessions #minisessions #lisamarie_photography
You can book these firefly sessions ON DEMAND any week day evening between 3pm-7pm from now to the END of September :)
Cost: The cost for these sessions are $245, and are available on demand until the end of September! Session fee includes 3 final images and $45 per extra image.
Sibling Add On: $55. (Due to the nature of these magical images, sibling fee’s are set more then usual. Each photo will require several compositions, and the more people IN the photos, the more needed.)
This will include 1 extra final image as well!
FAMILY and FRIENDS BOOKING BONUS! For more then 3 children, or including friends and family, we have a booking bonus of $100 when 2 sessions are booked together at the same time (back to back)
What to expect:
Sessions are 20-30 minutes long. Depending on which location you choose, there will be some different props, but ultimately lots of cute firefly fun :)
Kids will be posed (best as can! lol) and interacting with the props. We try to make it lots of fun and play games so they dont aways realize they are posing ;) *This session will require parent participation*.
I will need one parent to help hold a little light for some of the poses. In order to create some the magic, and effects of a darker environment, we will need you to help!
I find your little ones are more comfortable with you holding the light at close proximity and I will show you how :)
Please note if you do arrive early to be respectful of the clients in session. Kids can be distracted quite easily by on lookers and other children. So a mindful distance is appreciated :)

Check out the Summer Sun Set Blog to include some fire flies in a family session!
Recommended Attire:
We suggest that your ones stick with the basics. Keeping it playful and childlike. Think timeless summer styles. Little girls would be best in plain white bottom summer dresses or similar tops with shorts. Perhaps a muted/neutral print “sally”, “pillowcase”, linen, vintage dresses. Nothing too bright in colour or loud in print. And not “Dressy”. Little boys should think jeans, jean shorts, and PLAIN white or light coloured t-shirts, sleeveless or no shirt. Barefeet, sandals, SIMPLE sneakers, dirty feet and grass stained knees are OK ;)
*Absolutely NO florescent colours, and I strongly recommend not to wear anything with logos or character clothing*
Age Recommendation:
Recommended ages are sitting (approx 6 months old – age 12. Younger babies are welcome, just make sure to bring extra help! For every child under two, I recommend bringing 1:1 support. One grown up helper to each baby and toddler if you can!
Important AFTER Session INFO:
Within about a week to 10 days of your session, Lisa will send you a “Partially” unfinished gallery and book a phone consultation with you ASAP. Together you and she will chose of a minimum of 3 professionally edited high resolution digital photos to have Firefly magic included in your session fee. Please understand, unlike regular mini sessions, these will be composite photos and require a significant amount of post processing. Once you have chosen, Those full resolution photos you choose are delivered via email for instant download, sharing options on all social media sites, custom links for easy emailing, affordable printing options, and safe online storage for up to 10 years, as well as a free app for your smart phone where you can show off your gallery anywhere you are!
You will have the option when speaking with Lisa to purchase more then 3 images. Prices will determine by how any you choose.

#fireflysessions #minisessions #lisamarie_photography #cutestsummersessions
To book please copy and paste the info below and email it o bookings@lisamariephotography.ca
I would like to book a Fire Fly Session!
Preferred date:
Prefered time:
Number of Children:
Ages of Children:
Contact Phone number for the day of session (cell phone is best):
Would you Like a Sneak Peek on Facebook posted?
Is Lisa allowed to use your images for future ads or her web site just like this one?
Is there any special needs or concerns you have re your children that we can assist with?
*And of course, please include any questions you have! *
If the email you are emailing from is not your prefered contact email please indicate your preferred contact email. If you already have a PASS account set up let us know that email address (then all your albums stay together under one account) and we can see your choices once you have picked them.
Please also include a Second date/time option if possible!
Lisa Marie’s personal tips for successful sessions with kids!
A few days leading up to the session practice taking photos with your kids! But DO NOT make it a chore. Just have FUN with it. Show them the photos immediately. DO NOT make them pose. DO NOT make them say CHEESE. Encourage silly faces and sad faces and PLAY.
BE IN THE PHOTOS with them and be silly!!! If you can, have the camera or your phone on mirror so your kids, babies and toddlers can see themselves in the frame.
YES- You can bring treats and bribes for children to earn during any portrait session. (Husbands love fruit snacks too!) PLEASE DO NOT give your kids “treats and bribes” prior to the session, these are magic weapons and to be used when necessary and when EARNED!
DO NOT give your children anything that you can not take away from them. Please just keep this in mind when you are booking mini sessions. All finished photos will receive editing, but not retouching or extreme measures such as “swapping heads” ;), please make sure your kids are TATTOO free (big pet peeve lol)

#fireflysessions #fireflyphotos
Mini sessions are in no way guaranteed. You are given session time with Lisa only. Lisa makes every effort to work with your family and kids, but she can not be responsible for members who are not cooperating/smiling for photos, this includes fussy babies, toddlers who will not pose, teens who are stinky and miserable husbands! Please also note anyone saying, “oh but you can just photoshop that right?” will get a pinch :D Session can run a little behind at times, if you are waiting for your session to start please be patient and do not interrupt the current session, we are all moms and dads and know sometimes other little ones need a little extra few mins at times and no one wants any kids to be left out. Allot an extra 15 mins after before you need to be anywhere else! Thank-you for your understanding.
Please note that our turn around time is approximately 2-3 weeks but sometimes longer if we are very busy or there is unforeseen circumstances. Holiday themes are always delivered prior to the holiday but not guaranteed. Lisa is full time shooting several days a week, and unlike some other companies, each image is edited very carefully by Lisa Marie. This does take time, so if you are unable to accept the turn around times, then its best you let us know if there is a special circumstance so we can let you know if we can get them to you sooner. This may mean that you need to find another photographer, but we will do our best to accommodate you :)*
XO-Lisa Marie